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Barton County

Register of Deeds


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Types of Documents

Other real estate-related documents that are expressly authorized for recording, including the following:
Statutory liens
Designations of pesticide management areas
Government ordinances, resolutions and orders
Maps, plats, and surveys
Affidavits of platting errors
Annexation agreements between cities and land owners
Applications, certificates of appointment, and appraisals of abandoned watercourses
Certificates of incorporation of drainage districts
Planned unit development plans
Municipal energy agency agreements
Statements or certificates regarding artesian wells
Leases, affidavits and other documents related to oil and gas
Releases of abandoned pipeline easements
Discharges, releases and assignments of mortgages or liens
Notices under the marketable title act
Revocations of grantee beneficiary under transfer on death deeds
Statements of Lis Pendens filings
Environmental notices
Releases and abandonment's of railroad right of way
Certificates or notices of water appropriation and reservation rights
Certified death certificates

In addition to the real estate documents noted above, the following documents are authorized, and sometimes required to be recorded.

Interlocal agreements between municipalities
Certificates of dissolution of credit unions
Savings and loan associations merger agreements
Articles of incorporation
Orders of appointment of receivers for insolvent corporations
Bonds for certain elected officers
Amendments to articles of incorporation for irrigation districts
Power of attorney
Military discharge papers
Declarations regarding grain elevators and warehouses
Certificate of incorporation of groundwater management or water assurance districts
Minutes and records of dissolved groundwater management districts

This list is not all inclusive.