Boards & Committees
Barton County has many advisory boards and committees that work on various projects in the county and region. Citizens are encouraged to volunteer for any open position on these boards and committees; there is no compensation (hourly pay or travel reimbursement) for working on a panel. The period of service varies from one to four years. Members of these boards provide valuable service to the citizens of Barton County. The Barton County Commissioners encourage people to volunteer for these boards.
Open positions are listed following the descriptions.
The boards and committees are as follows:
911 Advisory Board - Functions under the 911 Director. Established by Resolution 2008-19. Purpose - 1. Insure the 911 center is in compliance with and operating pursuant to the Kansas Criminal Justice Information System Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual. 2. Provide advice and guidance to the 911 Director relative to operations of the 911 / Communications Center. 3. Improve communications between the 911 Center and supported agencies. 4. Perform other functions as requested by the Board of County Commissioners. Membership - The members of this Board shall consist of the Barton County Sheriff, the Chief of Police of the Cities of Claflin, Ellinwood, Great Bend and Hoisington, the Fire Chief or EMS Director of the Cities of Claflin, Ellinwood, Great Bend and Hoisington, the Lieutenant of the Kansas Highway Patrol, and the Barton County Director of Road and Bridge with each member being able to name a designee in his or her place. Meetings - This Board shall meet at least bi-annually with the Barton County 911 Director responsible for setting such meetings. The 911 Director will provide to the County Commission a written summary of said meeting within two weeks of its close.
The Center for Counseling and Consultation Governing Board - This Board reviews and makes recommendations on mental health services in Barton County and the surrounding area. Board members serve without compensation, three year terms. Commission makes a portion of this Board's appointments.
Chief Elected Official Board, Local Workforce Investment Board - The Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) exists to connect employers to a motivated workforce having skills to obtain and maintain meaningful employment. The Chief Elected Official Board (CEOB) conducts oversight of the programs in an effort to assure that the mission is accomplished. Commissioner Don Davis was appointed in 2014.
Community Development Advisory Board - Functions under the County Administrator. Governed by Resolution 2010-10. Purpose - The BCCDAB shall be an advisory board to the Board of Barton County Commissioners relative to economic and community development matters. The BCCDAB shall monitor the progress of the Barton County Strategic Plan and make suggestions to the Commissioners concerning the advancement and realization of the goals as set forth in said plan. Membership - The BCCDAB shall be comprised of 11 members. Each Barton County Commission member shall appoint two representatives and the Chairperson, three. Members may be representative of the manufacturing, non-manufacturing, retail, education and governing sectors of the County and shall be representative of the geography of the County. Members shall serve three year terms. Vacancy - Vacancies in the membership of the BCCDAB shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the Barton County Commission following an open application period. Members of the BCCDAB may apply for reappointment. Vacancies shall be filled, insofar as is practicable, by Commission District. Meetings - The BCCDAB shall meet as often as the members deem necessary, but no less than semi-annually. The members shall select a chairperson and vice chairperson; bylaws may be adopted as needed. The chairperson shall be responsible for scheduling and chairing meetings.
Great Plains Development Advisory Board - In the past, Barton County has solicited applicants for one uncompensated position for the Great Plains Development Board. Due to a lack of applicants, the position had gone unfilled for long periods of time. Qualifications included a background in government, financial institutions, community organizations or business organizations. Last official appointment was Janet Crane. By default, the County Administrator is considered the appointee.
Health Advisory Board - Functions under the Health Director. The Health Advisory Board reviews and makes recommendations on policies related to public health services in Barton County. Uncompensated position requirements and terms set by Kansas statute.
Local Emergency Planning Committee - Functions under the Emergency Risk Manager. Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC's) were established by the Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986. Originally, the LEPC was designed to provide a forum for emergency management agencies, responders, industry and the public to work together to evaluate, understand and communicate chemical hazards in the community and develop appropriate emergency plans in case of accidental release of these chemicals. In recent years, the LEPC's planning efforts have been refocused to include planning for a variety of disasters that may affect the community. Floods, hazardous material spills, wildfires, natural disasters, and even terrorism all constitute real challenges facing community leaders today. Federal and State planners have advocated for development of "All-Hazards" planning, which prepares communities and counties for any disaster; not just those from chemical releases. A part of this planning requires the input of several individual appointees to the Committee.
Memorial Parks Advisory Committee - While the responsibility was assigned to the County Administrator, this Committee now functions under the Road and Bridge Director, with assistance from the Register of Deeds. Was established by Resolution 2005-08. Purpose- 1. To recommend to the County Commissioners the most effective use of monies designated for the memorial parks. 2. To assist in public ceremonies and events involving the memorial parks. 3. To render advice concerning rules and regulations relative to the memorial parks, particularly relating to Resolution 2003-10, Regulations for Barton County Owned and Operated Memorial Parks, adopted June 16, 2003, and Resolution 2004-21, Amending Resolution 2003-10, Regulations for Barton County Owned and Operated Memorial Parks, Adopted June 16, 2003, adopted August 9, 2004.Membership - Membership on this Committee shall be no less than five and no more than seven members. The membership of this Committee will consist of citizens of Barton County who are interested in the care and management of the memorial parks and who are willing to serve on the advisory committee without compensation. The up to seven positions on the Committee shall be four-year staggered terms. Public Application Process - Membership on this Committee will be uncompensated and selection shall be made by the Commission in a review of a public application process. Membership shall be limited to Barton County citizens only, although there shall be no other mandatory term requirements. Meetings - This Committee shall meet at least annually, or more often as deemed appropriate by the Committee. The Committee shall provide a formal report to the County Commissioners at least annually or more frequently as circumstances require.
Planning Commission and Zoning Appeals Board - Functions under the Environmental Manager. The focus of the Planning Commission is to plan for the proper growth and development of Barton County through the enactment of planning and zoning laws for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare. Whenever called upon the Planning Commission members will convene as the Zoning Appeals Board. The Zoning Appeals Board hears and decides appeals; hears and rules upon applications for variance and exception; and hears and decides all matters referred under regulations. Uncompensated three year terms. Majority of appointments must reside in the unincorporated area of Barton County.
SDSI - Southwest Developmental Services, Inc. (SDSI) is, generally, charged with the oversight of services provided to the developmentally disabled, administrative services for the local provision system and assuring that State laws and regulations are met. As the County is a part of SDSI's service region, the County may appoint a member to the Board of Directors. The County's nominee must be at least 18 years of age, a U S Citizen and a Barton County resident. In addition, the nominee must not be, nor has not been within the last year, affiliated with any business offering developmentally disabled services. Commissioner Kenny Schremmer was nominated and accepted to the Board in 2005.
SouthWest Kansas Area Agency on Aging - SWKAAA helps determine long term needs and programs for all senior citizens in Southwest Kansas. Required to attend four quarterly meetings per year. Mileage reimbursed for the required meetings. The County makes a portion of the Board's appointments.
Solid Waste Committee - Functions under the Solid Waste Management. The Solid Waste Management Plan Committee is responsible for the development and annual review of a solid waste management plan to serve all generators of solid waste within Barton County; provide for solid waste management systems in a manner consistent with the needs and plans of the County, and in a manner which will not contribute to pollution of the waters and air of the state, nor constitute a public nuisance and shall otherwise provide for the safe and sanitary disposal of solid waste and to take into consideration the development of specific management programs including source reduction, reuse, recycling, composting and land disposal.
Central Kansas Community Corrections Adult Advisory Board - Functions under the CKCC Director. Statutory requirement for Board.
JCAB - Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board - Functions under the Juvenile Service Director. Statutory requirement for Board.
Open positions are as follows:
Fire District No. 2 includes Albion, Eureka, North Homestead, South Homestead, Union Townships and Hoisington, Olmitz and Susank. Barton County is accepting application for the management of the district. Two year, uncompensated positions terming December, 2025, are open for Albion and Eureka Townships and the Cities of Hoisington and Olmitz. Download: Fire District 2 Board Application
Barton County is accepting applications for five terms on Barton County Health Advisory Committee until the positions are filled. The Health Advisory Committee shall provide guidance, recommendations and assistance to the Barton County Health Department staff. Membership requirements may include allied health, animal health professional or physician. Four uncompensated positions term December 31, 2025; one uncompensated position terns December 31, 2024. Download: Health Advisory Committee Application
Barton County is accepting applications for one term on the SouthWest Kansas Area Agency on Aging Sub Regional Council until the position is filled. SWKAAA helps determine long term needs and programs for all senior citizens in Southwest Kansas. The position terms September, 2026. Required to attend four quarterly meetings per year. Mileage is reimbursed by SWKAAA for the required meetings. Download: SWKAAA application
Barton County is soliciting applicants for three uncompensated positions on the Barton County Planning Commission until filled. Three Positions Term March 31, 2027. All successful applicants must reside in Barton County. Focus is to plan for proper growth and development in Barton County through enacting planning and zoning laws for protection of public health, safety and welfare. Applications may be obtained HERE or the Barton County Operations Office, Barton County Courthouse, 1400 Main, Room 107, Great Bend, Kansas, 67530. (620) 793-1800.
Barton County accepting applications for the Barton County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) until 2:00 p.m., November 30, 2022, or when positions are filled. The
Barton County LEPC is the local emergency planning district designated by the state to fulfill the requirements of Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). The purpose of the LEPC is to promote and facilitate the safety of Barton County citizens through emergency response planning for the release of hazardous substances. Currently seeking representatives for the following categories: Law Enforcement, Firefighting, Health Personnel, Hospitals, Communications/Media, Facilities and At-Large County Resident. These are uncompensated appointments. Download: LEPC Membership Application
Fire District No. 2 includes Albion, Eureka, North Homestead, South Homestead, Union Townships and Hoisington, Olmitz and Susank. Barton County is accepting application for the management of the district. Two year, uncompensated positions terming December, 2024, are open for the City of Susank and for the North Homestead, South Homestead and Union Township. Download: Fire District #2
Barton County is accepting applications for two full terms on The Center for Counseling and Consultation Governing Board until the positions are filled. The Governing Board assists in establishing policies for client provisions within The Center’s service area. The uncompensated positions term December 31, 2025. Download: The Center
Barton County is accepting applications for five full terms on Barton County Health Advisory Committee until the positions are filled. The Health Advisory Committee shall provide guidance, recommendations and assistance to the Barton County Health Department staff. Membership requirements may include allied health or animal health field. The uncompensated positions term December 31, 2025. Download: Health Advisory Committee
Return the signed application to the Human Resource's Office:
by mail to: 1400 Main, Room 107, Great Bend, KS 67530
or scan and email to
For questions please call (620) 793-1800 or toll free 1-877-419-7171.
All positions are open until filled.
Barton County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.